
上海乾鸿·        鸿乾
shanghai qianhong-hongqian

        天,给大地雨露阳光,让大地母亲孕育万物,而万物与人类息息相关;天、地、人 …… 生生不息,与日月同辉。人类创造历史,历史昭示未来。有容乃大,无欲则刚,是人类的勤奋、智慧、胆识、诚信、责任和关爱使世界变得更精彩!


   the heaven,gives the earth rain and sunshine.the earth nurtures myriads of things,which bear close relationship with human beings.the heaven, the earth and human beings...never cease,just like the movements of the sun and the moon.mankind creates history,and history entails future.greatness is from tolerance,and strength from no desire.it ismankind's diligence,wisdom,boldness,honesty,responsibility and care that make the world colorful and diversified.

   "look back upon the place where i shot eagles,the cloud in one thousand li was flat." only with hard working can one make progress.

